Connecting the generations with real estate

Years ago, when we were still working on the Better Dwellings portfolio, before we started Adaptive, I remember having a conversation which I now realize contributed to my bias towards holding real estate permanently. Can’t remember who it was, but the person told me about checks he receives each quarter. The source of the funds? … Continue reading “Connecting the generations with real estate”

A surprising admission from Mr. Fund of Funds

Was at a terrible conference early this week, when I heard something amazing. It came from a guy who runs a fund that invests in other managers’ private equity funds… in other words, a “fund-of-funds”. Someone in the audience, presumably an aspiring fund manager, asked Mr. Fund-of-Funds how much of a co-invest he wants to … Continue reading “A surprising admission from Mr. Fund of Funds”

Why we’re sticking to our knitting

Regularly get asked the following questions: Are you planning to venture out to other cities? Start doing other product types (office, retail, etc.)? The answer to both is that I would love to branch out. Aside from the intellectual stimulation that comes from learning new things, expanding the pool of potential projects would allow us … Continue reading “Why we’re sticking to our knitting”