An effective wealth building strategy

One couple, two incomes. Live on one, save the other. Buy first 4plex FHA. Live in one unit, accelerating savings. Accumulate downpayment for building #2. Buy building #2 with 25% down. Resist temptation to increase spending; saving accelerates due to income from building #2. Buy building #3. Rinse. Repeat. Assuming we’re talking about 4plexes that … Continue reading “An effective wealth building strategy”

The difference between a loan broker and a direct lender

In our business, we frequently have clients come to us with pre-approvals from direct lenders like Bank of America, Wells, etc. The clients love the banks because they promise high loan amounts and low interest rates. And, on simple deals where there are no real issues with the borrower or the property, the direct lenders … Continue reading “The difference between a loan broker and a direct lender”

The relationship between foreclosure and the availability of credit

As a result of the huge number of foreclosures across the country over the past five years, numerous states and the federal government have created all kinds of road-blocks to foreclosing on a delinquent borrower. This is feel-good stuff… no one likes to hear about families being kicked out of their homes and politicians absolutely … Continue reading “The relationship between foreclosure and the availability of credit”

What’s the best way to buy with a small downpayment?

Today’s NY Times has an interesting comparison of 5% down FHA and conventional loans. (For more about the basics of FHA loans, read this.) It turns out that the increased mortgage insurance premiums currently demanded by FHA make FHA loans a worse deal than 5% down conventional. If you’re considering buying with little money down … Continue reading “What’s the best way to buy with a small downpayment?”