Thank goodness for old friends. An old schoolmate, AL, who sees my posts on Facebook, pointed out a key potential implication of Trump’s election that I missed in yesterday’s post: the effect on construction pricing. I expect that Trump’s election will have the effect of materially increasing construction pricing over the next few years, for … Continue reading “One further prediction re the Trump economy”
Predictions for the Trump economy
Posted this on Facebook this morning, but thought some of you might be interested as well: Predictions re the economy: 1. Trump trades very large tax cuts for large infrastructure and defense spending. Sub-prediction: The infrastructure spending goes to private contractors, not state / local governments, to avoid empowering public employee unions 2. Deficit and … Continue reading “Predictions for the Trump economy”
Why things are slow right now
For most businesses, the problem is demand. In other words, they can make an infinite amount of product; the issue is how much they can sell. In our business, interestingly, it’s the total opposite. There is a structural imbalance in LA between the number of apartments (growing slowly) and the number of people who want … Continue reading “Why things are slow right now”
Thought you would appreciate seeing some “after” pics on a 16 unit apartment complex we’re just finishing up in Echo Park. Absolutely love the way this one turned out. And will always remember hiring armed guards to accompany me when I went to make a deal with an ax-wielding psycho who lived there when we bought … Continue reading “”
A bit of inspiration
In light of all the doom and gloom about our country bouncing around during this election season, thought I’d share a story that inspires me every time I think about it. Our gardener in in his 70s. He came here from Mexico a million years ago. He and his company care for the landscaping at … Continue reading “A bit of inspiration”
Tax return absurdity
Late last week, one day before the deadline, I submitted my personal return for 2015. Now, in light of what’s gone on with Trump’s return, I think I should begin by noting that, as an “active real estate investor”, I probably get more tax breaks than anyone. So I’m not in any position to … Continue reading “Tax return absurdity”
Finally, we’re in the ground
Thought you all might appreciate some pics of the beginning of our latest ground-up development project. It took forever to get the permits on this, despite the project being totally by-right. But it’s going to be worth it, because the neighborhood in question is on a tear and it’s impossible to buy anything to rehab … Continue reading “Finally, we’re in the ground”
Capital, family and meaning
Many of you know that I have a pair of young sons. Have been doing a lot of thinking about what, exactly, holds a family together through generations and gives people purpose and a sense of connection. Obviously, there are a whole range of ideas, stories, personal relationships, customs, memories, etc. But there’s one other … Continue reading “Capital, family and meaning”
How restrictive zoning slows economic growth
Had an interesting conversation with a good friend re the impact of zoning on the economy. In the midst of discussing the growth of Silicon Beach, I had kind of an epiphany. Because of how we control land use around the beach (including the Coastal Commission, the Mello Act, specific plans, etc.), we are dramatically … Continue reading “How restrictive zoning slows economic growth”
Update on the loathsome Neighborhood Integrity Initiative
Want to remind everyone that the vile Neighborhood Integrity Initiative remains a threat to our city. Here’s an update from Curbed on its progress… it’s getting onto the ballot in a March election where turnout out to be like 0.0005% of the population. In case you haven’t heard, the initiative basically creates a moratorium on … Continue reading “Update on the loathsome Neighborhood Integrity Initiative”