
How Prop 13 advantages Los Angeles apartment owners

How would you like to be in a business where the law dictates that your biggest expense grows more slowly than your revenue? That’s what happens for owners of rent controlled apartment buildings with under-market tenants in Los Angeles. Here’s how: As an apartment building owner, your biggest operating expense every year is the property … Continue reading “How Prop 13 advantages Los Angeles apartment owners”

Prop 13: Why California residents should own real estate

If you live and work in California and you don’t own real estate, you’re getting screwed. Let me explain: California residents, furious about rapidly increasing property taxes in the 1970’s, passed Proposition 13 in 1978. The law does the following: Causes real estate to be assessed for tax purposes at the time of purchase Limits … Continue reading “Prop 13: Why California residents should own real estate”