Everyone is stealing

If you ever think what we do is sit behind the desk and jockey spreadsheets, you’re wrong. Recently, we’ve been dealing with a rash of thefts by low-lifes.

Heres a partial list of things that have been stolen from our projects over the past month or so:

  • New copper plumbing and new electrical wires from one project. No idea who did it, but we had to pay the plumber and electrician to buy new materials and re-do the work. 
  • New copper plumbing from a different project. This one was someone from the plumber’s team, so he paid to fix this.
  • A paint-sprayer (this was owned by one of our contractors).
  • A microwave and some drawer handles from a vacant building that’s up and running.
  • Two un-cut quartz countertops from a project under construction

As a result of the above, we’ve had to hire security for almost all of the projects we have in progress.

My question is this: What the hell is wrong with people?

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    In case this isn’t already obvious, I would never sell your email address to anyone, ever.