BAM! Back to work…

Here’s what I saw when I looked in the door of our latest project, a five unit deal in Echo Park, today:

I know it looks messy in there, but that view gives me such a huge high!

What you’re looking at in that picture above is the sweeping away of the old. All the stains and cracks and mildew and (honestly) sadness and desperation that built up in that apartment in the 90 years since it was built are gone.

What remains will be a shell into which we are going to pour our creativity and style. And we know that, when we’re done, this will be a wonderful place to live, hopefully for the next 90 years!

(Before you preservationists get upset: I’m all for preserving properties that have interesting and / or historically significant details. But the buildings we renovate in Echo Park and Silver Lake mostly started out as cheap housing for working people. They never had that much care put into them in the first place.)