The LA Fair Housing Coalition, a group that fights for landlords, has arranged a meeting for members with officials from the LA Housing Department’s REAP and code enforcement offices and the Eberly Company, which was recently hired as a landlord outreach contractor by the city.
The idea is to give landlords a chance to explain how unfair and anti-business LAHD’s policies and enforcement are. I’ve obviously got about a million examples, so I’m thinking of going.
The meeting is Wednesday night, April 25, from 5-7pm at 1645 Corinth Ave., Los Angeles, 90025.
(If you go, I advise you to tread lightly. You definitely don’t want to antagonize LAHD… they have the power to make your life pretty miserable.)
Even if you don’t go, it’s worth getting on the Fair Housing Coalition mailing list, which you can do by going to their website: