How you get them to believe a $1MM building is now worth $2MM

When I re-position a building, the numbers often look something like this: I buy the building for $1MM, spend $500k on renovating it, and then ask a lender or buyer to believe that the building is now worth $2MM, based on the rents I am achieving from the new tenants. Now, obviously, the lender or … Continue reading “How you get them to believe a $1MM building is now worth $2MM”

Grandfathered zoning in LA

What does “grandfathered zoning” mean with respect to apartment buildings? To understand that, you first need to understand that zoning in Los Angeles has generally become stricter over time. For a long time, there wasn’t any zoning. You could just buy a few single family homes, rip them down, and put up an apartment building. … Continue reading “Grandfathered zoning in LA”

Good reading on zoning and sprawl

Happy Monday! Have recently read two great, short pieces on the effect of terrible zoning on cities, in general, and LA, in particular: David Leonhardt’s interview with Matthew Yglesias in the Times. Yglesias talks about how parking requirements and artificial limits on density conspire to drive up the cost of housing (and, thus, living) in … Continue reading “Good reading on zoning and sprawl”

Introduction to Los Angeles Zoning

Get it through your head: The land is important! Too many buyers don’t understand that the land component of a property is potentially it’s most important aspect. Why? Well, buildings all fall down in the long run. But land is unchanging and often has potential. What do I mean by potential? Well, in the absense … Continue reading “Introduction to Los Angeles Zoning”