How increasing replacement costs imply a widening investment moat

Experienced real estate investors know to keep an eye on replacement cost when considering rehab deals. The idea is to try to ensure your property will have a cost advantage vs. its neighbors. The thought process is pretty simple: When considering doing a project, you want to look at what it would cost a competitor … Continue reading “How increasing replacement costs imply a widening investment moat”

Unsolicited advice for owners of non-RSO buildings

Owners of non-rent stabilized apartment buildings in Los Angeles with rents below market (eg most of them) ought to be considering their options in light of the likely repeal of Costa-Hawkins. Two obvious courses of action: Sell now, while the market continues to (mistakenly, in my view) place a premium on non-RSO buildings; or Immediately … Continue reading “Unsolicited advice for owners of non-RSO buildings”