For the past year or so, we have been putting out a lot of capital on behalf of one major investor.
Sure, we’ve sprinkled in a few other deals with people able to write checks for $2-3MM. But we’ve mainly got into the habit of opportunistically finding deals, then bringing it to one capital source.
And it has worked… we’ve grown our equity under management from around $10MM to around $45MM very quickly.
But there’s a danger in just opportunistically sopping up the deals that come across your plate… you become a syndicator, forever pitching individual deals with a deadline. And, over time, I think that has the danger of turning you into a huckster.
Instead, we want to be systematic… to create a clever strategy, align our organization around it, put together a large chunk of capital that believes in the strategy, and then execute.
We have a few very good ideas and we’ll be spending some time over the next month or two fleshing them out and gearing up to begin raising the money.
Watch this space.