Yesterday, I sent an email to the mailing list to gauge reader interest in a new fund.
Unlike previous funds, which had $100,000 minimum investments, we’re considering opening this one to investors with as little as $10,000.
The reason is pretty simple: Grow the number of people who have invested with us and like what we do. Over time, the theory goes, those investors will increase the amount of money they allocate to us.
We’re not close to creating the new fund. We have to identify the right vendors and process for handling a large number of smaller investors. And then we have to actually go through the work of choosing the relevant part of the securities law, creating the docs, starting the entities, etc.
But response to my email was very good and I think the likelihood is pretty high that we will try this experiment.
If this is something you might be interested in, and you haven’t already let me know:
- You should join the mailing list; and
- Send me an email (moses at adaptiverealty dot com) and let me know roughly how much capital you’d consider committing.
Obligatory legalese: This is not a solicitation of investment nor an offer to sell any securities. Our intention is purely to gauge investor demand for a new fund we might create.