A great real estate story

One of our agents just bought his first apartment building, it’s an awesome story, and I thought I’d share it with you.

When David Brundige came to work with us a few years ago, I knew he was exceptionally smart and entrepreneurial, since we had gone to college together.

On the other hand, he knew very little about real estate.

But, by working extremely hard, paying attention, trying new ideas, and, most importantly, serving as a tireless advocate for his clients’ interests, David has turned himself into a effective deal-maker.

A few months ago, David helped a particularly savvy, aggressive client complete what I believe to have been the best real estate deal in LA over the past few years.

A week or so ago, using some of his commission from that transaction for the downpayment, David closed on his first personal deal.

Is this one triplex going to make David rich? No.

But, over time, the rents will pay down the mortgage (plus pay David every month), leaving him with sole ownership of a very valuable asset 30 years from now. No one can take that away from him.

Not bad for two years of hustle, right?

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