If you’re on my mailing list, you received an email this afternoon with a good idea for putting out around $365k and getting back around $42k / year (and rising). For those not doing the math along with us at home, that’s a return of roughly 11.5%, not including equity build-up as you pay down the mortgage.
If you’re not on the mailing list but are interested in opportunities like the one above, I strongly suggest you sign up. I don’t send out emails very often (maybe once every six weeks). But when I do, they’re always worth taking a close look at.
If you don’t see a sign-up form for the mailing list below, just click on one of the article links on the right side of the page, let the article load, and then scroll down to the bottom of the page. You’ll see a form for your email address and name – go ahead and sign up.