The other LA tech story

Everyone interested in LA’s tech sector has been talking up Silicon Beach for years.

SB is the constellation of tech companies, including SnapChat, Google, Facebook and others which are located on the Westside, mostly in Santa Monica and Playa Vista.

But I think all the attention paid to SB has obscured the most interesting story about employment growth in LA: The expansion of Netflix in Hollywood.

In case you have not been following, over the past few years, Netflix has gone from something like 80 employees in Beverly Hills to renting ~750k sq ft in Hollywood, enough for 3-4k employees.

The largest tech employer in LA is SpaceX at 5k employees. But Netflix is catching up quickly and should surpass SpaceX in the coming years.

All those highly-paid workers need somewhere to live. This is very good news for Hollywood-area landlords.

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