My last 12 months brokering

Thought you might be interested in some rough stats on deals I’ve personally brokered in the last 12 months.

The raw numbers:

  • 17 deals
  • 94 total apartments
  • $14,284,000 in total value

All of the above were apartment deals ranging in size from several duplexes in Silver Lake and Echo Park up through a 16 unit building in Highland Park. All but one were in the gentrifying parts of NELA.

Four of the deals were not covered by LA rent control; the rest were.

Two deals were listings; the rest were buy-side.

Five were for individual, buy and hold investors. The rest were either fund or fee for service deals.

A few deals upon which I worked over the past 12 months are not included in the above: When there is a really hot deal, we often allow the listing agent to double-end, even though I end up doing just as much work.

By value, I’m definitely nowhere near the most active broker for apartments in LA… there are plenty of teams doing individual deals priced at $14-15MM. But I doubt whether there are many apartment brokers who have done the sheer number of deals I’ve done in the past 12 months. And you learn on each one.

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