A bit of unwanted public art

The Eastsider recently published an article about a gang injunction being proposed for Echo Park and a few surrounding neighborhoods.

The comment thread got very heated, in part because there is at least one group that opposes the injunction as some kind of tool of oppression / gentrification. Other local residents responded that they’ve noticed an uptick in gang graffiti in the area and in the part of East Hollywood along Virgil (called Virgil Village).

Anyway, just in case you think our jobs here at Adaptive are super-glamorous, Jon and I spent part of the morning discussing this little piece of public art which was thoughtfully left for us at a newly renovated property by a local aspiring artist:

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My dad’s an artist, so I can empathize with creative types looking to get exposure, but regular readers can probably guess how I feel about whoever did this.

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