Some mildly annoying numbers

Just finishing a 4plex in a really cool, up-and-coming neighborhood that we renovated on behalf of an outside investor. Was reviewing the original pro forma and revising in light of what I believe the rents will be… and got an annoying surprise. Based on the original pro forma, this was not a deal that we … Continue reading “Some mildly annoying numbers”

Appreciating Bloomberg’s Q&A with Henry Kravitz

It’s rare I read something in the business press that is directly relevant to me. After all, the number of people trying to build asset management businesses is vanishingly small; so small that it’s rarely worth anyone’s time to cater to us. So, it was with great interest that I read Bloomberg’s interview with Henry Kravitz, … Continue reading “Appreciating Bloomberg’s Q&A with Henry Kravitz”

Dealing with leasing anxiety

We’re going through a period of intense leasing, with multiple new buildings opening up over the course of, say, 3-4 months. Long term, this is a good thing. It means we’re finishing projects we started, in some cases, years ago, fulfilling the promises we made to investors. And, in a lot of cases, it means … Continue reading “Dealing with leasing anxiety”

The money coursing through Adaptive

Yesterday, in the afternoon, I signed seven new residential leases for an average of roughly $2500 / month. It got me thinking about how weird it is that we consider leases on a monthly payment basis and about how much money is actually going through our office each month. After all, those seven leases represented … Continue reading “The money coursing through Adaptive”